🚩 Requirements
- macOS Monterey+ or Linux
- Docker 20.10 or newer
- How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 (opens in a new tab)
- Cloned, configured and running docker-shared-services (opens in a new tab), to support system-wide DNS, Routing and TLS support via Traefik.
💨 Quick Start from Template
→ Fork and Deploy to Vercel
You can start by creating your monorepo with web and docs applications by deploying to Vercel by clicking the link:
→ Manual Setup
You can use GitHub built-in functionality, to generate your repository from this template. Generated repository can always be synced using manual GitHub workflow (opens in a new tab).
- Open this repository template in GitHub - wayofdev/next-starter-tpl (opens in a new tab)
- Click on the Use this template (opens in a new tab) button
- Enter repository name, select repository visibility
- Click on the Create repository from template button
- To periodically sync your repository from upstream, use manual GitHub workflow (opens in a new tab).
file can be used to ignore files from syncing. More info about syncing can be found in AndreasAugustin/actions-template-sync (opens in a new tab)
→ Using Terraform
At WoD we use Terraform to automate the process of creating new repositories from templates. mineiros-io/terraform-github-repository (opens in a new tab) repository can be used, to manage your GitHub organization state, all repositories and their templates.
Example configuration for creating new repository from template:
module "repository_next_frontend_[project-name]" {
source = "mineiros-io/repository/github"
version = "~> 0.18.0"
name = "next-frontend-[project-name]"
description = "NextJS based frontend application for [project-name]"
visibility = "private"
homepage_url = "https://[project-name].io"
push_teams = [module.team_vb.id]
admin_teams = [module.team_infra.id]
template = {
include_all_branches = true
owner = "wayofdev"
repository = "next-starter-tpl"
branches = [
name = "develop"
source_branch = "master"
default_branch = "develop"
branch_protections_v4 = [
pattern = "master"
pattern = "develop"
require_conversation_resolution = true
required_pull_request_reviews = {
require_code_owner_reviews = false
required_approving_review_count = 0
issue_labels = tolist(local.default_issue_labels)
issue_labels_merge_with_github_labels = false
💻 Setup
Repository with docker-shared-services (opens in a new tab)
should be configured, up and running, to ensure *.docker
domain support system-wide.
→ Clone Repository
After forking or creating generating repository from template, you can clone it to your local machine. In this example we will use next-starter-tpl
repository as starting point.
$ git clone git@github.com:wayofdev/next-starter-tpl.git
→ Generate .env
Generate .env file from .env.example file.
# add FORCE=true to overwrite existing .env file
$ make env \
APP_NAME=tpl \
Change generated .env
file to match your needs, if needed.